Thursday, September 09, 2010

Brought to my knees

Dom is home from all of her adventures safe and sound. We went to Poitiers yesterday with Olivier’s things, so we spent some time with Dom and J-M too. She had a great time in Chicago both on a professional level and touristy level. She took some great photographs and remembered my copy of the Chicago Sun Times. She also met and spoke to the main scientist in her field, who sounds really nice and the best part was that he asked her lots of questions about her work.

The visit to England so that J-M could meet the family went perfectly too. They had time to visit London and Bristol where she took photos of fantastic rainbows. They saw the family and all went perfectly – even driving on the left!

Olivier’s apartment is really nice too, spacious, and as Dom would say ‘flowing’ with light. He has two windows and a skylight.

They both live on the 2nd floor (third in the US) and I went up and down both sets of stairs twice, I also ran up the steps to the park near to Olivier’s twice. When I got home I tripped over the doorstep and fell onto my knees. Very painful (to put it politely), I was frightened to move at first. I massaged my knees with arnica gel straight away and before going to bed. My left knee hurts where I grazed it but there is no stiffness or sign of bruising. Today has been back to work catching up on what I didn’t do yesterday.


  1. Ouch! Hope the knees are still OK.


  2. I fell on my knee for the first time in decades a couple of years ago. Not only did I feel stupid I was terrified of the damage I could have done and could hardly bring myself to investigate. Not something we should be doing as we get older!

    Caroline xxx

  3. Hope you didn't do any real damage and that your knee feels better now!

  4. Lucy: so far so good. I haven't dared try kneeling down just yet.

    Caroline: Knees are very complicated and they do a complicated job, we shouldn't take them for granted.

    Veronica: I think I got off lightly, but I'm still applying the gel.


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