Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Matching dreams

I had a lot of difficulty sleeping last night. A couple of years ago I had blocked salivary glands and, the doctor told me, a touch of arthritis in the jaw. When I’m stressed I lie in bed wondering if I’m holding my jaw in the right position (The opposite of grinding my teeth I suppose), then I tense up and it starts to ache which makes me worry more and the circle continues. My legs were restless too. I finally drifted off to sleep with the help of some paracetamol and started to dream. Rob was in the car and kept on getting out of the car without putting the handbrake on so the car was rolling backwards as he walked away. He did it three times even though I told him not to do it again.

This morning I was half awake when Rob told me he’d just be dreaming about me driving a bus, but I kept on leaving the handbrake off.

I wonder what that means…


  1. Sorry to hear of your sleeping problems, Anji.

    I'm sure the similar dreams must be significant!


  2. Interesting that the dreams were similar! Means something I'm sure...

  3. Dear Anji
    I wish you the sweetest of dreams.
    A good nights sleep can make all the difference.
    May life be kind to you.
    Debbie x

  4. Two dreams so similar. How strange.
    Hope you sleep better tonight.

  5. Thank you all. I'm sleeping much better now. Rob rarely remembers his dreams, but I bet that time he wished that he could drive the bus.


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