Friday, April 09, 2010

Time for a few numbers.

April 1st was the anniversary of us moving to the village way back in 1986. It was also the third anniversary of my postcard business and yesterday Rob called me over to his laptop so that I could see that we now have 3000 cards online! In a couple of months (17th June), it will be our 25th wedding anniversary. It can’t be right - that only happens to old people.

I heard my first cuckoo of the year on Wednesday 7th.


  1. A LOT of things are happening to me that used to only happen to OLD people! ;)

  2. Mary Lou: Someone, somewhere lowered the ages downwards I'm sure.

  3. I have been going Cuckoo for years and have certificates to prove it, perhaps it was me you heard?

    I cannot believe you are approaching your 25th Anniversary, you look far too young!

  4. Debbie: I'm sure that it couldn't have been you! I am old and the wrinkles are starting to show....


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