Friday, January 15, 2010

Where was I?

As in “What was I talking about?”

Not a lot. Family routine continues and I’m adjusting very well to not having anyone around, except for Rob, of course. Most of the day I’m working and into the evenings sometimes as well. I supervised one continuous assessment exam last week which is not the same as a real exam. I didn’t even have to sort the papers into alphabetical order! See how exciting life is at the moment.

My problem is I need a touch of spring, something nice to happen... In the meantime something that did lift my spirits this morning were the photographs of an eagle on Kimberley’s photatas, well worth a look.


  1. our temperature is up to 50 degrees here. I went shopping in just a heavy sweater, no coat. It was absolutely wonderful.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. It felt quite springlike here today; the birds have unfluffed their feathers and are singing and flitting like nobody's business. It will come.

    I watched Snow Watch on BBC IiPlayer yesterday; it was lovely stuff, and I treasure the Martin-meets-a-fox moment

  3. Anonymous2:22 pm

    Hello Anji
    I'm very much an outdoors person and find winter lovely for a while. What I mean is sitting in front of a real fire, eating warm winter foods and being all cozy, but by January I feel like I have a bit of 'cabin fever' and want the sun to come out again. Also life is dull just after Christmas (well not for me last week of course!) but generally.
    Sending you some very positive thoughts to cheer you up.

    Thanks for your all your kind comments.

  4. Cas:It is lovely to get out without being completely muffled up again, isn't it?

    Dru: I missed the clip which serves me right for not replying sooner. The birds are certainly more lively here too.

    Helen: Thanks for your kind comments too. We do get out, but often it means wet feet, wet clothes. Our climate is very damp and dull in the winter

  5. Thanks for the link, Anji. I'm glad you liked the pictures. I'll be glad to see Spring arrive here, too. The winter doldrums are no fun. I found a poem in the magazine of a doctor's office this week that made me think of you. I'm going to see if I can find it online and post it for you. Keep your chin up, buttercup, Spring is coming soon!

  6. Kimberley: I loved the poem and the sun is shining today!


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