Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Grumble, grumble

I feel really grumpy today though grumpy is too nice a word for how I feel; murderous perhaps.

I dreamt that I had to take Olivier to his usual lift back to Poitiers. We were running late and he hadn’t packed or changed, he was in shorts because the sun had been shining. He said he wouldn’t bother to change and had I bought his new shoes as his others had holes, I told him I thought he was going to buy the shoes. He changed his shoes with holes for a pair of flip flops. Our means of transport was a bike with tiny wheels like a child’s scooter. I had to pedal while he perched on the back with his nearly empty bag. It was such hard work, lots of fast peddling for very little progress and we were late. When I got to where we were going I missed the turning so I had to find a place where I could reverse to turn around. I nearly reversed into a ditch and there was a tiny bird, a wren. I dropped Olivier off and set off for home, it was dark and my tiny light at the front was almost falling off and I had such a long way to go alone.

Fortunately the alarm went off.

The road we went along wasn’t the real road we use, but it is a road I’ve travelled along a lot in my dreams and I’m usually late or lost on it. Does anyone else have familiar dream places?

I’ve been out of sorts all day. Rob and I went into town this morning and had breakfast on the port – Rob wanted to sit outside which was a bit cold but not windy so I didn’t mind too much. Then we did a bit of shopping. Christmas pudding and mince pies and some Christmassy bits so that was nice, but it look up the whole morning. It’s cold and wet and windy so we set off for a walk and it started to rain and so on…


  1. What an awful dream. Cheer up!

  2. Cas: I get a fresh start tomorrow.

  3. P.S. Cas: I can't comment on your latest post, have you taken down your comments?

  4. Anonymous9:32 am

    Ooh not a nice dream. Those kind of dreams are haunting. I don't have any recurring dreams like that. I do have the one where you fall then wake up. I have had some terrible nightmares and some where they are all a mixture of memories and present struggles but in the main these days thankfully I sleep pretty soundly.

    Hope that one day you get to understand the meaning of that road and that lonely journey.

    have a great daydream instead today!

  5. Anonymous10:33 am

    Sounds like my day-to-day life. Grot!

    Sometimes I think I'll just go out and throw myself under a passing rich blonde!

  6. Helen: I must admit I am better at daydreaming - more control.

    Keith: Rich blondes usually have rich husbands around somewhere.

  7. I used to have a recurring dream about a spiral staircase that was falling apart while I ran up (or down, depending on the dream) in a hurry, desperate to beat the stairs caving in beneath my feet. Bad dreams are no fun, they can set the mood for the entire day --- as you already know. Here's to lucid dreaming!

  8. Kimberley: Now here's one for you to try from my psychologist daughter: Try to look at your own hands in a dream. This sleep business is hard work.


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