Monday, December 14, 2009

Aperitifs and timetables

We went to visit some friends for tea on Saturday afternoon. This is what I like about living in France ; after a little walk the tea as followed by an aperitif. Aperitif dînatoire seems to be the new fashion. The nibbles are more substantial, in this case quiche and courgette tart amongst other things. When we got home we didn’t need to eat. Fortunately for me Rob never drinks and drives, so I get to have a drink.

Olivier came home for the weekend. We drove him to a neighbouring village for his lift back. It’s nice when we do that because we have the time to talk to each other before he goes off.

This morning I supervised an exam. It went well and despite the clatter of the air-conditioning I did not have a migraine. I was with a colleague who used to be a colleague of Rob’s. Apparently a month a go she told him that she will be a grandmother in January. He forgot to tell me. She’s so excited – she’ll be present at the birth (there isn’t a papa). He daughter is a very lucky girl, she has such a loving family to support her.

Since Manpower took over appointing us, the timetables appear to be a little confused. I’m working longer on Wednesday morning (though I suspected I might be) and I haven’t got to go to work tomorrow. I’d been told I had four mornings in January, but I’ve only got one after all. It’s a good job I’m not desperate for the cash.

The weather has gone really cold here, the wind is coming from the North East which means from Siberia. I wonder if we’ll have snow?


  1. Anonymous1:07 am

    The one thing I love about life in the rural vilages of France is the aperitifs in the early evening.

    Every night I visited someones "cave" or their home for a pastis and nibbles and a good old chat about the days events etc., and then it would be my turn to invite the neighbours round for drinks and nibbles.

    I was a lovely way to end the day, and of course bond with everybody in the village.

    Sadly nothing like that happens in England any more. My neighbours here never even speak to me or pass the time of day.

    People here are so wrapped up in their little world that they don't have time to be sociable any more, too busy visiting the mosque and doing other things more important.

  2. Hello Anji,

    First of all, thank you very much for all your comments. I have not been around very much these weeks with my left hand "out of order". But the surgery went well and everything is coming back to normal slowly.

    Soon I will be able to give my "input" to your posts again.

    I send you my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Take care


  3. Keith: We don't really socialise with many people from our village.

    Peter: A belated Happy New Year to you. it's good to see you blogging again.


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