Friday, November 27, 2009

That was the week

This last week has flown by and there were a lot of interesting things for me to blog about but I’ve forgotten them all. Olivier came home last weekend having been in Poitiers for the two previous weekends. He doesn’t look as if he’s dying from malnutrition or alcohol poisoning. I didn’t even have piles of washing to do. He and a friend had tried out using a laundrette, the university one had ‘broken down’ so they went into town, which was quite expensive so they did a communal wash to save money. He seems happy and answered my questions without losing his temper, usually a good sign.

I spoke to Dom recently on the phone and she might be heading for Edinburgh in the spring to a psychology conference. She’ll be meeting her colleagues from all over who are working on the same thing as her (don’t ask me I don’t really understand ). Later I got an email and she could have a job next summer in a Scottish laboratory. I wonder if she realises how different the climate is between here and Scotland. She and J-M are coming to stay next weekend so I’ll have more details then.

I’ve started to think about putting up the Christmas decorations. Rob put the outside ones up on Friday afternoon. We put them on when it got dark and I heard one of the little girls from next door exclaiming ‘ooooh!’. I expect her parents are now cursing us because she wants some too.

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