Wednesday, October 21, 2009


When I was young I loved playing around with yoyos. I was never very good at it, but that was probably because I could only afford a cheap plastic one. In more recent years all three of my children have enjoyed yoyos and they were certainly more sophisticated than the ones I played with. I seem to remember one which lit up; needless to say mum had goes too.

I’m very tempted to start yo-yoing again now that I’ve discovered the existence of Yoyo Shop UK. You can buy yoyos online to your hearts content from beginners to pros, all colours and designs…. You can even by Tom Kuhn yoyos. You may well ask what or who is Tom Kuhn? Tom Kuhn is a dentist from San Francisco who makes amazing wooden yoyos. These are items of beauty as well as fun to use. You can’t get them from anywhere else in the U.K.

A yoyo might just be the stocking filler you were looking for and the postage is free…. I might just put one on my wish list.


  1. I haven't played with a yoyo for a long time. Wonder if I can still do it.

  2. Apparently the yo-yo was originally used as a weapon. It was particularly effective in jungle warfare, where someone up a tree could bop a column of the enemy on the head, one by one, as they marched down a jungle trail. Obviously this depended on the blokes at the back of the queue not worrying about the mounting pile of bodies...

  3. cas: I'm itching to give it a try again.

    Dru: I can imagine them being used as a weapon, having had my shins dented by practising children a time or two. I have a lovely mental picture of piles of yoyoed bodies throughout the jungle.


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