Friday, September 04, 2009

Time marches on... and on

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge in the last couple of weeks. We’ve been getting Olivier ready to go off to university. Buying cups, plates, saucepan, and all the rest including corkscrew/bottle-opener combined. I’ve made endless lists, questioned Dom, trawled the internet and so on. Olivier kept putting off the packing until ‘later’. The night before he left he was out with his friends until one-thirty; packing to leave home took half an hour, so he was in bed for two. I was waking him at five. He had packed half a suitcase, which was fine by me as I could put his sheets, pillow cases and towels in his case which saved a bit of space. He took Dom’s little fridge too and we got it all into the car. I even thought to put the pillow and quilt handy so my baby could sleep reasonably comfortably on the way.

I have now learnt that there are some people who go through life without a list or plans and that my youngest son is one of them and he’s happy that way.

Everybody and his dog was waiting to be allocated a room, so we waited for about three hours. Rob slept in the car. Dom was in a building nearby helping 1st year psychologists with their paperwork. As the wait was so long we could all go out to lunch together after we’d taken all of Olivier’s things up to his room. When he told Dom his room number we discovered he was in the room next to the one she was in in her first year.

Dom is glowing! She really seems to be doing what she loves, has a lovely boyfriend and she got the job in the university library that she was after. The library looks like an egg box to me, but as long as there are books in it Dom doesn’t care what it looks like.

The house is really empty and I seem to have more time. I’ve been using it to clear and clean Olivier’s room and have a good tidy up for the first time in ages. He will be home for the weekend this evening, to collect the rest of his clothes, perhaps? We don’t even have to go to the station, one of his friends is collecting him.

In just over a week Rob and I are going to Chinon to an auction. It involves a stop over so we have chosen a nice hotel and are really looking forward to a romantic business trip! The week after will be my birthday. I don’t understand how that has come round so quickly again.


  1. Both your children are living away from the house now?


  2. Me too, I never prepare things or have plans and pack my luggage in the last moment. And it always worked out. Since 50 years.

  3. It's the hardest thing to do, letting go. They are lucky to have such an accommodating mom who thinks of quilts and pillows.

  4. Sending hugs to a Mum sending her chicks out into the world...

    A new stage I guess and evidence of a good job of parenting, well achieved.

    Enjoy Chinon too...have you been to stunning Fontevraud Abbey?

  5. Chinon, nice reds that you can drink cooled, yum.

    Caroline XXX

  6. Dear Anji
    You are a wonderful Mum & although this must be so hard, remember when you have to let your children free to make their way in life, you are doing the right thing.
    The best relationships are ones in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
    Take care

  7. Cas: All three have moved away now. Olivier will be returning for holidays and to have his laundry done no doubt.

    Peter: I bet that the farmers in ex Yougoslavia were pleased that you didn't forget to take the cows with you ! Thank you for your reassurance.

    Kimberly. he had to take them anyway, It gave me a logical place to put them.

    Jo: I hope I've equipped them all to face the world alone - time will tell. This will be our first visit to Chinon and we won't have much time for tourism. I'll do my best to see as much as possible.

    Caroline: No doubt we will make an effort in that direction too.

    Debbie: It is easier to say that do! Your words are very true.


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