Friday, April 10, 2009

Creme Eggs

We managed to obtain a supply of Cadbury Creme Eggs for Easter. We paid a euro each for them. Can you get them where you are and how much did you pay for them?

Hope you have a sunny Easter with lots of eggs, if that's what you like.


  1. one time a year and i love them

  2. You'd have to pay me to eat one of those!

    Never have liked them...


  3. I have some chocolate pigs waiting for me (Katie is away so we have a deferred Easter). Today I sat on a welsh hill and ate tortilla. Which had eggs in. But not chocolate.

  4. I'm just about to go on for the second show today (we work Good Friday) and I've managed to eat a whole easter egg (Oh Dear)

    Cadbury's creme eggs are around 50p each in the UK - somewhat cheaper I think.

    (I love them)


  5. It's not much fun being a real egg at this time of the year.

    First you are boiled, then painted, and them someone smashes your head in with a spoon!

  6. I guess it would be a terrible offense for a Swiss to buy other than "Nestlé", "Suchard" or "Lindt" eggs.

    And I have no idea if we can get "Cadbury Creme Eggs" here.

  7. Hi Anji,

    Yes, I returned to the blog around the first of the year, though not daily. As you can tell, things have been rather chaotic... in both my personal, and family life.

    I just wanted to say thanks... it's nice being able to pick up with friends again.


    ps, Tell Rob I'll arm-wrestle him for that last Cadbury egg!

  8. OOOOOOO I LOVE Cadbury Creme Eggs...I can't wait until they hit the shelves every year. They are about .69 cents an egg here. YUMMY!!!!

  9. When I was in Somerfield today I took note and saw that they were either 50p each of 3 for £1.09.

  10. that of was meant to be an or

  11. Rob: I think they need to be kept special but....

    Caroline: Thank you for carrying out the reserch. There's a good excuse for buying more than you need to.

    Dru: Have you eaten your chocolate pigs yet? I'm partial to white chocolate mice myself.

    Rona: You'll have to arm wrestle him next year - all gone! I'm glad you're back again.

    Mary Lou: How come they cross the Altantic and end up cheaper than the ones that crossed the channel? I've been extra good this time, keeping them in the fridge and cutting them in half.

    Henry: We were wondering which part you play. Nothing too energetic if you were full of Easter egg I hope.

    Keith: I hadn't thought of it that way.

    Peter: Despite your excellent Swiss chocolate you really are missing out on a treat, but they are very sweet!

  12. Here I started buying big chocolate Easter bunnies for Dottie before our kids were born because they were a favorite treat when I was little. As the boys came along, then nephews, then daughter-in-laws and grandkids, the list grew to where last year I bought 10 of them. This year they were up to almost $5 each and the list shortened by 3 as Bill and Laura are living in DC now and one nephew lives in western Kansas...

    Much more merciful on a pensioner's income!


  13. They go for about 1.20 CDN each here. Maybe cheaper if you look hard enough. These are so bloody good. I have to have one at least once a year. :)

  14. I think the american price for the cream eggs are around 89 cents. I LOVE the Cadbury Caramel eggs! They are the same price as the creme eggs usually, but AFTER Easter I bought them for 20 cents each (5 for $1.00)!!! I was sooo excited! Great blog, thanks for sharing! :)


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