Friday, March 13, 2009

Pictures of eggs

Rob came home with half a dozen eggs the day before yesterday. Home grown ones from one of his colleagues. They were beautiful, dark brown and speckled. I wish he’d let me use his camera so that I could take a photo*. Just recently I’ve seen a lot of things I’d like to photograph – not just pictures but textures. I’ve been inspired by Caroline’s blog (Scroll down to see her top 10).

I suppose I could get my paints out, but the eggs would be rotten by the time I’d finished. By the way, I had a lovely omelette for lunch

*It’s not as if I’d have to have photos developed nowadays, is it? If they weren’t any good I could delete them all.


  1. Anonymous11:57 pm

    I have no idea why I find speckled eggs more miraculous than other eggs. I don't think the resulting omelette tastes all that different, yet I always go for the dark & speckled. And any eggs from a roadside farm booth....

  2. I'm imagining wonderful eggs!

    My favourites from the point of view of prettiness are the blue ones... but they are more expensive as they are rather rarer...

    Glad you enjoyed my photos... shame you didn't get to use Rob's camera!

  3. I'm still trying to work out how an egg can be "home grown". Whatever it is he grows them in, I want one!

  4. Frankandmary:I think that the appearance of the egg shell has a lot to do with the taste - in my head at least.

    Caroline: The only blue ones I know of are not the eating kind, can you really buy blue ones for human consumption? Perhaps imagined eggs are even prettier than the real ones.

    Keith: He didn't lay them himself - you know what I mean. when we had hens I couldn't eat their eggs, it was like eating one of the family. My long suffering mum used to have to buy some in for me.

  5. I just love farm fresh eggs. They're not too plentiful where we live.


  6. Cas: When we first came to La Rochelle I was amazed at the lack of local fruit and vegetables. I suppose every region has its talents.
    How about keeping some hens yourself?


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