Thursday, March 05, 2009

BlogExplosion - Good News!

We now have a new administrator who has been given powers to clean up the forums. The spam has gone so if you have a question it is more likely to be seen and answered by someone. Why not pop by and say hello.

The administrator has many tasks, hopefully soon we’ll be able to get more volunteers for helping with approvals, both of blogs and banners. There is a huge a pile of unanswered tickets to deal with and information to be updated. All of this will take time. For more details see the forums. (I know I’m plugging the forums but I’m really proud of what we achieved there.)

Thank you to everyone who took the time to write to the owners. I don’t think we’ll ever know how many letters there were. It’s good to know that people can pull together and obtain results.


  1. I have one question? You say "we" this and "we" that. Does this mean that you are actively involved in Blogexplosion? As a volunteer?

  2. thank god. i think this site is really good. the approve for blogs take a long time but i think it will be worth it. keep up the good work and if you all need some help please let me know.

  3. Peter: I've been approving blogs as a volunteer for a year now. Then I got involved in the forums answering questions about blog approvals. At one point there was just me and the spam. When someone suggested a way how to fight the spam, I joined in the battle. So I say 'we' now as I feel more involved.

    Mo-inoh: Thank you for your kind offer of help. If you would like to leave a comment in the forums I'll put your name forward. I can't do it from here as I'm not sure of your exact username.

  4. This is great news!

    BlogExplosion is a really good site and now with this 'spam problem' behind us, hopefully it can attract new members and return to greatness once again!

    I encourage anyone who is not a member to surf over to the site and check it out.


  5. I am glad to hear all this, and am going to be on BE more now. Had pretty much given up on it, actually...

  6. BE used to be a great place. Myself and a lot of others used to spend a lot of time in the Shoutbox! Wish that was still working.

  7. Hi Anji!! Just stopping by to say hello.

  8. Slightlydrunk: Thanks for your visit. We made a great team! Let's hope people will start coming back.

    Lidian: Looking forward to seeing you there!

    Croaker: A lot of people miss the shoutbox. There is still a lot to sort out, hopefully it will be back one day.

    Phyllis: {{{hugs}}}

  9. I am so excited that Blog Explosion is back in business

    even though I wasn't around before, I feel a part of it now... I'm glad to have found it

  10. Anonymous1:21 am

    The shoutbox on BlogExplosions home-page has had their same content of a discussion with a person whose ID is something like "original_Whore".
    Not exactly family friendly!

    If you ask me since that is not family friendly it should have been taken off the home-page or cleaned up and re-started.

  11. Flit: I'm proud of all that we have done, we created a great team!

    PastorBill3rd: I posted a comment on the forums and the administrator replied really quickly. He's now got acces to more of BlogExplosion and that was already on his list. It seems there were a few other complaints about it. I'm not sure how quickly he'll get round to it, there is so much to do - a lot is broken. BlogExplosion was running on its own for over a year....

  12. Anj: It is amazing that BlogExplosion functioned on it's own that long! Thank you for taking my comments so seriously.

    Oh and thanks for visiting my blog!

  13. I forgot to tell you once BlogExplosion has the home-page and shout-box to my liking I will start promoting it more by posting about it in my blog and put referral links on my websites!

    I know that you and the other admins have your cut out for you!

  14. Anonymous11:08 pm

    This is good news. I heard it from another blogger. As an old BE veteren, I'm glad to be back.

  15. Pastor Bill: The home page has been changed. I'm not sure when the shoutbox will be back - I know that a lot of people miss it. The administrator is working very hard and I know he has a day job too. I hope he's getting paid for all of his work.

    Benjamin: quite a few of the oldies are coming back again. It's good to see you.

  16. Anonymous2:48 am


    Thank you.
    I did notice the old shout-box is gone. At least those inappropriate comments are gone.

    It will be nice to see a truly family friendly shoutbox whenever that happens.


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties