Thursday, February 26, 2009


I went for my three monthly check up this week; my results are all normal, so I was praised. For the last month I haven’t taken anything to lower my blood pressure and it is normal. Now I can go until the next check up without blood pressure tablets. This means I can eat grapefruit again. I love grapefruit.

Dom has come to stay for one night as she is busy and only has one week’s holiday. She’s been sorting out her clothes. While I was dividing the leftovers into three piles; me, rubbish and charity, I said to Olivier that perhaps one day I’ll be slim enough… He told me ‘Yes you can!’ Comes in useful, doesn’t it?


  1. I am due for my check up next week. Basically nothing to worry (hopefully) but I have the small finger on my left hand which is curbing and I cannot put it straight anymore. Probably the doctor will say it is because of my smoking and that some minor (hopefully again) surgery has to be done.

  2. Congrats on the grapefruit!
    I was looking at the section labelled "Exotic Fruits" in Sainsbury's yesterday and realised I wouldn't know how to go about eating most of them. So I bought some Egremont Russet apples instead. At least I know they won't have flown half way round the world to end their days in the compost bin after I never quite got round to eating them.
    I want to get thinner too. Unfortunately Katie says things like I look just fine, which is hardly incentivising. But then telling me I'm a fat *** probably wouldn't help either

  3. Peter: Hope it all went well for you. I know that one day I will have to have a tendon shaved in my thumb. it's behaving itself at the moment.
    Dru: I did enjoy my grapefruit. I just peel them and eat, like an orange. I'm also quite happy just sniffing them. I've been good all week and even cut down on wine!


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