Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A little update

Time to supervise some more exams. This week kicked off with a computer exam. I’d never done one of those before, we were 6 supervisors looking after 100 students. I couldn’t help wondering what "vibrations" were being given off by 100 laptops in one room. One girl was crying because her laptop was playing up.

Olivier has been off lycée with a nasty cold. He watched the inauguration of president Obama on TV, I watched the swearing in and Aretha Franklin with him. I’ve got a sore throat this evening so I’m drinking a Kir; white wine with cassis (blackcurrant liqueur ) for extra vitamin C. That’s my excuse.

The weather has become ‘warmer’ so now we have rain, lots of rain.

P.S. No sign of the mice...


  1. plenty rain here too. And the wind... I could feel a breeze blowing around my legs as I sat at my desk earlier, and went round closing every single door to try to slow it down. Brrr.

  2. Dru: As you probably know, we've had very strong winds over the weekend. Now it's just raining.

  3. Anonymous3:14 pm

    I like your cold remedy. And I must remember it for my next cold.


  4. Cas: Well worth a try, but it doesn't work.


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