Thursday, December 04, 2008

Christmas is coming...

Christian has come and gone. We took him back to the airport last Friday morning. It was strange to see him again after two years. Most of his old friends seem to be scattered all over the world so he didn’t really have anyone to visit. He sorted out a lot of his old belongings and loaded up a suitcase to take home, they will now be in his grandmother’s loft instead of our garage. The weather was really sunny and we went for a lovely walk and he took lots of photos which I hope he’ll forward to me so that I can post some here

I’ve started decorating the Christmas tree. For years Rob did all of the decorating at Christmas, as it happens I’m happy to take over as I don’t put so much out and it was always my job to clear away….

Next week and the week after I will be supervising exams nearly every morning. As the school of commerce grows so does the examination period – good news for us exam ladies.


  1. Christmas tree, already?? Won't all of the needles have fallen off by the the 25th? I have a set budget this year and so if the kids want a christmas tree ... well, it will be deducted from the budget :-(

    Perhaps it's time to buy a costly but fake tree?

  2. Zed: Ours is a fake; it was costly at the time, we bought it when the children were small so it has lasted well and fooled a few people - except for the year when Rob bought some fake tree smelly, then they knew it was a fake.

  3. I hate Christmas. For many reasons and I could make a post on it. But I don't want to spoil other people joy, people for whom this event is important.

    I give you one reason (a stupid one, I know) though: Every time I will switch on the TV during this period, I will see candles burning and angels fly around. On 120 channels.

  4. Anonymous7:52 pm

    I've been working hard on Christmas this year too. Our tree is up, and the gifts are all either made or bought. Now comes the wrapping.


    I'll be waiting for some of those photos.

  5. Here about 7/8 of the shopping is done; nothing is wrapped. Dottie isn't even sure she wants a tree since it's just the two of us, Bill and Laura won't be here but long enough to pick up the things that are moving to D.C. with them and the celebrations and dinners are at my son's and my sister's houses.

    I may have to try and sneak one in while she's at work and just get in trouble!


  6. Peter: there are times when I could do without Christmas. I miss out on the angels flying around because I rarely watch TV

    Cas: I'll be looking forward to your after Christmas soup recipes!

    Alan: I'm glad I made the effort to put up the tree - I feel more like Christmas now.


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