Sunday, November 09, 2008

Dreams and Children

It’s strange how the subconscious works. Just before Dom left she went to the hairdressers to have her hair cut, it looked really good but the real test is when you have to do it yourself. She washed her hair just before she left and it hadn’t dried properly when I took her to the station, so I didn’t really see how it turned out. Last night I dreamt that Dom was home and I asked if she’d turn round so that I could see her hair. She obliged – she’d just washed it and it was still wet! I had my hair cut last week. My hair is very fine and needs a little lenghth to hold it down, it's too short and all over the place - at least it will grow.

Christian phoned this evening. He’ll probably be coming to stay at the end of November for a few days!!


  1. No real comment, just wanted to letcha know I'd been by, and to say hi...

  2. Anonymous7:17 pm

    So you still don't know how Dom's hair looks.

  3. Anonymous6:20 pm

    Just had my hair done Friday in advance of a business trip. Of course, I can never replicate what the stylist does at the salon. The result is that I had fabulous hair on Friday, when it didn't really matter, and a giant ball of fuzz on my head for the meeting. : /

    I'm sure Dom faired better though. She's smart, that one.

  4. I need a haircut so badly! But I just dont have time to go get one right now. I look like a shaggy dog!

  5. I'm a bit hair-cut-ophobic.. I think that's one reason I let mine grow.
    I could probably use a good trim though, mine is at waist length now. I think it's in protest of all those 1970's pageboy haircuts I had when I was a kid.

  6. Dawtch: Hi to you too!

    cas: I spoke to her on the phone yesterday and she said it was fine(?) and not as good as when it was first done.

    Kimberly:I always look forward to having it done and I'm usually disappointed. Yes, she is smart.

    Mary Lou: You're the retired one and the busiest of us all as far as I can see.

    Chandira:You have the most beautiful hair. I can understand why you don't want anyone chopping at it and we know that hairdressers love to cut hair off!
    I'm just 'a bit' older than you and I always wanted a pageboy cut.


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