Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A bit of everything

Two good pieces of news to start the day bright and early. The most important is that Debbie’s father is fine. They had to wait and worry for a lot longer than necessary for some results due to the slow wheel of the NHS in the UK.

Then, when I put AOL on to look at my emails this morning I saw that they have a feature on France in 1900. This should stimulate interest in vintage postcards. All in all a good start to the day.

I spoke to Dom on her birthday. Her parcel had arrived okay and she was pleased with the contents, especially a purple jacket exactly like this one. Though she still insists she prefers the orange/pumkin one! She is teaching English twice a week now and really enjoying it. The job at the library is very demanding indeed. It’s very quiet so she’s on MSN most of the time AND getting paid for it. The afternoon of her birthday was going to be spent baking and preparing food for her party in the evening. One of her friends was kindly lending their flat as Dom’s has only got standing room for about 4 people (one in the shower) and two of her friends were coming from Paris. I haven’t heard anything since…

Olivier is being driven to lycée this week by his friend who is an apprentice chef. The building where he studies for 1 week every month is next to the lycée so they go together. Half an hour extra in bed all round, much appreciated by me. It’s strange to see them going off, it only seems 5 minutes ago they were sitting on the doorstep together, in the sun with their toy cars.

Rob and I worked flat out for a few days last week. Ebay put on a special offer for professionals (that’s us); free placements. You can imagine we prepared a maximum amount of postcards and managed to put on 180. We’ve been selling groups of cards too, to clear our stock, which have been doing very nicely. I was rather proud of this group, which now has a bid I’m pleased to say.

Click on the image for a much better view..


  1. Anonymous4:11 pm

    I like the jacket very much.

    Ar the placemats like the picture you showed?

    Enjoy your quiet (I would think) week, and certainly the extra sleep.

  2. cas: So do we, that's why a quiet war has been going on for a while.
    Placements not placemats - though they would be nice....

    I'm certainly enjoying the extra sleep!

  3. So many times I remember getting ready for work in the afternoon and finding one of my jackets missing because it had gone to school, lol!

    I'm glad you found a way to resolve things!

    Extra sleep is a blessing that doesn't come nearly often enough!


  4. Alan: I tell myself that at least my taste isn't too old fashioned.

  5. Anonymous8:11 pm

    LOve the postcards and i hope the jacket is not REALLY bettered by the pumpkin one!


  6. OMG! She works in a LIBRARY..? That's always been my dream job! Seriously! You'd probably never get me to leave work! And as for surfing at work..? Never happen. All those books? Wow. Like I said, dream job!
    Oh yeah - Hi! We're moved, but the ()*&^%*$*(&^*% in the employee services dept STILL hasn't even got my service scheduled to be moved...I moved on the 14th - since then I've had no phone, no cable, and no internet...
    GRRRRRRRRRR! ! ! ! Trying to keep up from work...

  7. Katiekat: Now it's my turn to say sorry I've taken so long to reply. I hope that she prefers the purple, then I won't have to hide the pumplin one.

    Dawtch: She only works 7 hours a week and as she is in her third year she's probably read all of the books!

    I hope that everything is sorted out by now.


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties