Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tempus fugit

On Saturday evening the telephone line went off so we lost our internet connection with it. Rob went into town twice on Sunday to put the postcards I had prepared onto ebay and to deal with inquiries etc. from customers. I did feel cut off from the world.

Yesterday morning my annual check up with the Swedish chef*. As I was undressing he popped out to his receptionist and collected his post. A parcel from England! He asked me it I minded him opening his parcel. A book on the anatomy of the brain. He was as pleased as punch and before I left showed me some of the pages he’d been send via the internet; Oh yes, everything is tickety boo – I find it quite amusing that Rob pays for another man to tell me I’ve got impeccable breasts! (for my age)

After that, across to the other side of town to collect Dom from the station. She was waiting for me and half of the very busy, too small car park was closed off for resurfacing. Dom is fine and she was very tired. She’s got a job in the university library when she goes back. 7 hours a week. She’s decided that she is going to open a bookshop. I’ve passed her my notes from the Chamber of Commerce about setting up a business. Working 7 hours a week she is going to take a while to save up enough to start a business, but at least she has ideas. Olivier is panicking a bit, I think, about what to do next. In the immediate future I’m pleased to say that Dom has taken up drawing again. She was always very good and I was disappointed she didn’t pursue it more. I am now minus all of my watercolour equipment and would I look for a tin to keep the tubes of paint in?

Olivier looks less like a Hamster now but is in pain still. He’s eating more solid food and is as hungry as ever – he’s making up for last Wednesday when he didn’t eat anything.

Me? Busy doing the washing, of course.

*Rob had his wisdom teeth out the day before I saw the Swedish Chef for the first time!


  1. Isn't it amazing how the day can go just right, and when we go to get on the computer and can't, we are lost!
    My power went off last year and I thought no big deal, I'll just play solitaire. I sat in front of my black screened computer and felt STUPID!! hehehehe

  2. Anonymous2:28 pm

    A book store? How wonderful. I wish her luck.

    And it's so nice to have a goal to focus on.

  3. Hooray for tickety boo! Hooray for tickety boo!

    I had always thought when I retired I would go back to school and get a degree in library sciences and go to work in one. All these years later, I'm much more likely to end up working in a book store...I love Dom's idea and hope it's a success!

    I'm glad Olivier has his appetite back...hopefully full health is close behind!

    Which reminds me, I need to go get my flu shot!



  4. Phyllis: That's the kind of thing I would do. have you tried Addiction solitaire on Yahoo games?

    Cas: She is so fortunate, she always appears to know what she wants to do. She has a long way to go yet...

    Alan: I wanted to be a librairian too. I'm not sure about Olivier's appetite being a good thing. It's hard work being in the shovelling end.

    We had our flu shots done yesterday (friday)


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