Thursday, October 02, 2008

In which I don't do the homework

My big burly 17 year old son asked me last night if I’d colour his homework map in for him. He’s learning about the major canals and waterways of the world at the moment. The map had to be coloured mainly orange for some reason. I told him that I’ve coloured maps and filled in enough density of populations dots for one life time thank you.

In France they have to ‘do’ philosophy in their last year. Most pupils hate it because they just don’t get it. Olivier is one of them. Dom has taken it as an extra two years running at university she loves it so much. Any way I thought of telling Olivier he will just have to be philosophical about it, but I don’t think he’ll appreciate the joke…


  1. I'm curious about the orange.

    We were putting deserts on maps for K's homework the other evening. It was quite fun seeing how many deserts you can name. I challenged her. "Sahara?"

    It stopped there.

    Some way to go then.

    I sailed up the Kiel Canal once. It had terrific huge high bridges for letting the Kaiser's battleships through, I guess.

  2. I'll ask about the orange. I'm not so sure about the deserts either. I was asked not to take 'o' level gepgraphy as my marks were so bad. I know a lot more about the colonies thanks to my vintage postcards.

  3. thank you. The idea of the Gobi Desert was always appealing; deserted Mongol cities and camels with two humps. Do you know this bit of Borodin? -it's the soundtrack for the Gobi Desert in my head

  4. I would have said 'no, who's that?', but deep in my memory somewhere... Thank you for the link I'll listen to some more.

  5. Funny how homework can spread out through a family sometimes!

    I ended up putting my younger son in the central well of a university library when he was 17 and had an injured ankle, then running all over it to find the books he needed for a report on the Weimar Republic...


  6. Alan: We've done allsorts of homework over the years. One of the headmasters advised us parents not to do homework because we'd be disappointed in the marks!

  7. Anonymous9:47 pm

    I "did" philosophy in the European School years back. I thought it was brilliant. But I think you need a very inspiring teacher to make it come alive.


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