Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I think I have proof that it works

On Saturday we went out to tea at an old friend’s who I’ll write about in another post. She’d made a chocolate cake so I had some of that, after a walk round by the beach we had an aperitif. In France you can drink port before a meal and very nice it is too. She’d also made my favourite, a savoury olive cake* and there were other nibbles. Rob and I returned home late and so I made pizza (as in out of the freezer into the oven) as I didn’t feel like cooking much and had the last of the lemon meringue pie from my birthday meal on Friday. Needless to say I didn’t take a reading of my blood sugar before I went to bed. On Sunday I felt rotten all day – almost hung over. It is a long time since I went off the rails to that extent and proof that I do need to stay sensible if I want to feel and stay well. We won’t mention weight.

*Dom made a few cakes in the summer too, they must be in a cake conspiracy together.


  1. I COULD DRINK pORT ALL THE TIME. wE HAVE one called Whidbey's Port made from loganberries, and it is to die for!!

  2. Found you via BlogExplosion and love your blog! I also loved your baby picture. What an adorable picture!!

  3. Hang over is waiting for me. Of course, I will not overdo it. But after two month of mineral water, I will have to make up somehow for it. Generally, it is an Absinthe (before my meal) and then a glass of red wine with the meal. And later in the afternoon, my wife will tell me that I snored a lot during my nap.

  4. Mary Lou! Judging by your typing I'd say you've already been at the port.

    Chunks: Thanks for your visit. That picture was taken a long time ago (sigh)

    Peter: Absinthe? I haven't tasted Absinthe in years, no wonder you snore!


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