Friday, August 22, 2008

Thunder, pineapple and roses

Early this morning , around 5 o’clock, I was woken by a huge clap of thunder. Seems like half of the district was woken too. Olivier got up to see what was going on and annoyed his darling mummy by asking if he could run round the garden with a metal pole. I don’t know where he gets his ideas from.

My dear son is still washing up and making salads at the restaurant. We went to the drive-in at MacDonald’s the other evening and while we were waiting he explained to me how to cut up a pineapple professionally. He can cut it up next time we have one. He’s looking forward to being paid, which I think is his main inspiration for getting out of bed in the mornings.

Dom went to Ikea with a friend and bought herself a small table. It’s a long way from here so I’ve never been to Ikea. Sounds like there are some good bargains for students. She also came home with a new computer (not Ikea), so Olivier now has her old one. She couldn’t sell it because sometimes the screen turns off. I haven’t heard Olivier shouting yet.

Rob and I have been very busy with the postcards. As professionals we sometimes get special reductions so we prepared a lot of cards in advance this week. We now have over 1000 postcards in our shop. This was the 1000th card. My mouse clicking finger aches a little so I even tried using the mouse left handed, I’m very slow.


  1. Congratulations on card 1000! Business seems to be going well. When the time comes you will HAVE to tell us how a pineapple is cut professionally!

  2. I wonder how a professional cuts up a pineapple? I spend hours cutting them up amateurishly, cutting out those pimples, and then K says "I don't like pineapple" and I have to eat it all myself, which I still think is impossibly luxurious.

    I had a panic attack the first time I went into Ikea; it was that "you are in a twisty little maze of passages all alike" sensation. Apparently the germans call it "Ich kaufte eben alles", which translates as "I'd buy anything". Which is a little unfair. We like the sweets from there. And the meatballs.

  3. Similarities. We also go often to Ikea. My wife and daughter enjoy it. Me not so. Because there is never a nice place (like in other shopping places) where I can wait for them. Because I tell them all the time: "Take youe time".

  4. Congrats on number 1000!

  5. Anonymous10:44 pm

    You can send him over here to cut our pineapples. We have them often, and I hate cutting them.


  6. Neutron: When he shows me I'll post about it. I forgot to buy one this week, so don't get yours just yet.

    I have trouble with the pimples too. i wonder if pineaple juice is good for your hands. I suppose Ikea would be good at meatballs - aren't they swedish?

    Peter: Whenever I go into a shop and see seats for waiting husbands/boyfriends I think of you.

    Dawtch: Thanks!

    Cas: I'm sure he would jump at the chance to travel to the US, even just to cut up your pineapple!

  7. Gads you guys have McDonalds over there too? Pity! I LOVE Ikea. I look forward to their catalog every fall. THere is one in Seattle but that is 90 miles away so I rarely get there.

  8. Mary Lou: We have three McDonalds around La Rochelle! I must have a look at Ikea online and see what everyone likes about it.


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