Friday, August 08, 2008

Dreams and Robots

I dreamt that Rob had a very rich aunt who died and we all had to gather at her huge house for the funeral. For some reason she decided to frighten us all by making lots of banging noises, slamming doors and tuning lights on and off. A female relative (non existent as far as I know) and I were being chased through the house and garden by a robot – we were terrified. Fortunately I woke up. I could hear shhh, shhh, shhhh in my ears, I realised it was my pulse, it disappeared as I relaxed and calmed down again.

I remember the robot film from when I was small. A little boy was chased around by an unstoppable robot who rescues him in the end (!). It really frightened me and I still worry about robots coming onto general use – even though I used to know the three laws of robotics. Isaac Asimov died in 1992 so he isn’t around anymore to sort things out for us...


  1. Hi Anji! 2008.08.08 is a very special day for Blogtrotter. So, before I start commemorating, let me just tell you how much I appreciate your comments on my blogs! Thanks a lot!
    Have a great day and a wonderful weekend. No robots!

  2. I used to watch a children's show called "Lambchop" (or "Lampchop's Funhouse" or some such thing). Lambchop was a sock puppet made to look like a lamb. Anyway, I really enjoyed it, until the episode about an alien who came and stayed with Lambchop and ate all the dishes and furniture.

    I had nightmares about that alien for weeks. It terrified me. I would stay up trying to figure out what I would do if it came and started eatting all our stuff. And I never watched Lambchop again.

    Us girls and our weird nightmares!

    <3 o.

  3. Gmg: Congratulations and thanks for your visit.

    Littleo: I remember Lambchop too. She was very popular in the UK. I see Shari Lewis's daughter is continuing with Lambchop

  4. Anonymous11:21 am

    I wouldn't mind getting chased by the gorgeous Daneel Olivaw (from Asimov's robot series)!
    Just wish I hadn't been born 1000 years too soon - I really envy all those poeple who lived on Solaria and Aurora, with all those gentle peaceful robots (and Daneel Olivaw!)

  5. Anon: Think I need to reread the books!

  6. The three laws of robotics..... hmm!

    What an interesting dream and almost Dr Who-ish. There wasn't a gorgeous David Tenant anywhere near?

    Have you seen the lifelike robotics these days? So "cute" and "adorable" but I don;t supose you see them like that?

  7. Doris: I'll have to look David Tenant up, I used to love Tom Baker as the Dr. R2-D2 is about as cute as a robot could get for my taste. You should see the Robot on Neutron's blog - horrible!

  8. Dottie and I just finished catching up with the "Terminator" TV series that ran last fall (very well written and acted, btw) so were these my dreams I'd know why!

    I'm glad I don't normally remember mine!


  9. Anonymous1:12 pm

    Don't go by my word, Anji, as regards "the gorgeous Daneel Olivaw". It's only my opinion and I never set out to try and persuade people. You might find Daneel O completely ghastly!

  10. Alan: so we have that to look forward to in a couple of years - I enjoyed terminator.

    Anon:Perhaps but you never know...


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