Monday, July 21, 2008

From inside the paper bag

I don’t seem capable of organising my way out of a paper bag at the moment. That’s why I haven’t posted much at all. The garden is overgrown and the pile of ironing is so large it keeps sliding onto the floor. I don’t seem to get anything completed. We’ve been very busy with the postcards as Rob has had a few days holiday (there will be outings later). Yesterday was one of our best days for sales ever. I must admit I feel sad when they go – I’d like to keep them all.

The harvest is well under way and the village was covered in chaff this afternoon as it was so windy and blowing the bits over from the fields. There is a lot of bird noise this evening, I’m wondering if there will be another brood of chicks before they leave in august.

Olivier has applied for a salad preparing and washing up job at the restaurant in the village. In France it is very difficult to work if you are under 18, lots of paperwork and responsibility for the employers. I wouldn’t want him to work anywhere like that illegally. I used to know a girl who worked in a posh tearooms in England, she was under age and when she burnt herself one afternoon, they couldn’t let her go to the emergency department. Fortunately it was alright in the end, but…


  1. Anonymous11:55 pm

    I'm just the same here Anji, I don't seem to have the enthusiasm to blog much just lately, and my pile of ironing is probably bigger than yours!

    I just like to crash out with a good book or watch crappy videos. I really must pull myself together.

  2. Anonymous6:15 pm

    Good luck to Olivier - My son applied for and got a similar job when he was 15. He looked older, and they never asked his age. I guess that was a mistake, he needed to be 16.

    It all worked out ok though.


  3. "...couldn't let her go to the emergency department"? -that sounds awful.
    Disorder here, too; things keep accumulating on my desk while I'm drawing until it reaches the point when I can no longer function at all, and ... go and have a cup of tea.

  4. Keith: I'm not sure I could even bring myself to veg out in front of the TV...

    Cas: Thanks. It looks like he might get away with the age but will probably only be filling in, it's still in the process of being arranged.

    Dru: Tea is a good idea. Dom has brought lots of exotic blends back from Poitiers - All I have to do is decide which tea...


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