Friday, June 20, 2008

I wonder...

How long will you spend on this?


  1. I did it twice. The first time, it took me 3 minutes to bust all 140, one by one. The second time it to me 15 seconds just going over it with the cursor.

    Whilst I was doing it, I caught myself playing around and biting my tongue. And then I started to smile and finally laughed. What a childish man I am. But I also felt that my mind did not wonder off and was concentrating on busting the bubbles. And I felt like something that absorbs me and takes we away from my "normal" thoughts. I found it even relaxing.

    I have bookmarked the post. I am sure I will go back and do this silly thing again. It is a free of charge "professional help".

  2. I popped one, and jumped out of my chair (I'd left the volume on max after listening to Vaughan Williams on download earlier...) still, my fluttering heart....

  3. Peter; Sounds like excellent therapy. When my sister and her husband used to make and sell deep freezers she used to have reels of bubblepack and spent quite a lot of her spare time popping the bubbles.

    Dru: Not such a theraputic experience for you? Perhaps it should come with a health warning.

  4. Anonymous10:07 am

    I spent about 5 secs. It's not as good as the real thing.

    When I used to feel childish (a long time ago now!)I would hold a small piece of bubble wrap and stand talking to people in the pub with my hands behind my back. Suddenly I would twist the bubble-wrap sharply and the resulting sound was very effective. They would back away, waving their hand in front of their faces, and say "You dirty sod! Why don't you go to the toilet?"

  5. I'd heard about this, but never actually tried it. Thanks for the link. A superior time waster.

  6. Keith: Childish? In the pub? Sounds more like last week!

    Rhea:'A superior time waster'.An excellent way of putting it.


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