Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's day

It’s not an easy day for me today as it’s the anniversary of my dad dying seven years ago. Sometimes I think that I miss him more and more as the time goes on. He would have loved my postcards. Whenever I find a viaduct, bridge, train, engine, plane or anything mechanical I think to myself ‘Dad would have liked that one’.

I had a lesson later the same day and it was easier to continue than try to phone all of the parents and explain. We were making ‘Father’s Day Cards’. Fortunately my class was well occupied colouring and carefully copying out the English text I’d written on the board to notice that I was quieter than usual. The worst part of the day was sitting through the school musical which Dom was in. Final rehearsals meant that she didn’t come home beforehand. Then when we got back to the car afterwards we had to tell her.

The last time I saw him I kissed him goodbye and told him to take care of mum.

Today is not only a difficult day for all of us who no longer have dads with us. It’s also a miserable day for the dads who for lots of complicated reasons can’t be with their children. So I’ll say have a Happy Father’s Day to the dads without children from the children without dads.


  1. Anonymous2:55 pm

    Have a good day.

    My Father died the same year.

  2. cas: Thanks. It doesn't get easier, does it?

  3. Anonymous11:06 pm

    I know it can be hard - but there is something special about it being Father's Day - like it became again, his first day at school.

    If ever there was a day in which all the elements that were your Father's soul would again come together and cover you with his love, it is today.

    I won't try and be trite, like a condolence card ~ smile because he will be near.



  4. Its is 21 years that my father passed away. There is no more pain when I think of him. And I think of him often, of a good man, of a wonderful person. Who was a passionate cardplayer. He played with 4 friends every friday. He was such a good man that I am sure he went to Paradise. I just hope that he has found 4 friends up there and plays still cards every friday.

  5. What a very moving & poignant story.
    I feel your tears.
    Bless you, this must have been very emotional for you to write.
    You clearly will never forget your dear Father.
    I cannot bare to imagine life without my Dad.
    He is my rock, my friend.
    I feel so humble & so lucky to still have him.

    My thoughts are with all of you who have lost your Dads.
    They will never ever be forgotten.


  6. Henry: thank you for your kind words. I must admit we didn't get on very well when I was younger - we were too alike. We were friends when we parted for the last time.

    Peter: We like to think of my father as mending and maintaining farm machinery, that would be heaven for him!

    Debbie: Thank you, cherish your dad! He has a very special daughter to appreciate him so much.

  7. Hi Anji,
    It took me quite awhile to get over my father passing. I still have a bit of pain when certain memories come up but mostly I just realize that someday we will see each other. What a great day that will be. :o)

    Blessings to you.

  8. Titania: Most of the time I'm okay with it, but I must have been on a low on that day.


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