Sunday, May 25, 2008

My turn

It’s Mother’s Day at long last here in France. Bonne Fête des Mères!

Rob gave me the American Gigolo DVD. We went to see it together before we came to France in 1984. I see that the film was made in 1980. I spent half an hour reading through my diary for 1984 trying to find exactly when we saw the film; I haven’t managed to find the date. I was disappointed, but the trip down memory lane was worth it.


  1. Anonymous8:53 pm

    Well, I've either commented 3 times or not at all. Having problems

    Happy Mother's Day - Today is also Don's birthday.

    Enjoy your movie - and be sure to enjoy the day!

  2. Anonymous10:31 pm

    thank you too for visiting!

  3. late to the party... o well. Happy Monday!

  4. Anonymous2:23 am

    was American Gigolo made in 1980! (it seems like yesterday)

    heigh ho


  5. Cassie: Thank you. Belated Happy Birthday to Don!

    mayyouseenothing: I enjoyed the visit

    Dru: Thank you, hope you had a good holiday Monday. I hear that the weather wasn't too good.

    Henry: It does indeed, though Richard Gere seemed awfully young...

  6. Belated Mother's Day wishes! :-)

  7. Anonymous11:47 am

    Isn't it funny? Like you I write all the important things in my diaries and save them all, they date back to nineteen hundred and frozen stiff!

    When I want to look up something, even though I know the approximate date, I can never find it!

    Am I getting old and forgetting things or what?

    Damn! I forgot what I was going to comment on...

  8. Doris: thank you

    Keith: Exactly - who did you say you were?


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties