Sunday, May 18, 2008


I found this one chez Bomarzo. The most difficult was 10 years ago and yesterday. If you’d like to have a go you know what to do…

4 things I did 10 years ago: (1998)
1. I started teaching as a self employed teacher which was to last three years
2. I got the contract help marine biologists with their English – one of the most interesting things that I have done
3. Prepared for my eldest son to go into secondary education, a big step as it meant a 20 minute bus journey for him!!
4. The teacher of our art class arranged for us to have a real live nude model, not very easy at first, but I have some sketches of naked backs which I am proud of.

4 things I did 5 years ago: (2003)
1. Started blogging
2. Put our eldest son onto a plane to live with his Grandma
3. Was made redundant from my secondary school teaching job and the after school group which I’d been teaching for 10 years. Altogether 5 teaching jobs dried up at the same time.
4. Dom started lycée

4 things I did yesterday:
1. Cooked, washed, ironed
2. Blogged
3. Handled a postcard which was sent in 1880, the oldest one I’ve seen yet!
4. Spoke to Dom on the phone

4 shows I love to watch:
1. Numb3rs
2. Cold case
3. N.C.I.S.
4. C Dans l’Air (French current affairs programme)

4 things I love to do:
1. Read
2. Walk
3. Write
4. Sleep

4 people to get it:
1. Anyone
2. Who
3. Wants
4. To


  1. I definitely need to take time to do things. This meme I want to do. And then I still have to do the "Page 123" thing from your "Still learning.

    I will have time soon, in a week I am at home for a 2 weeks rest.

  2. Anonymous12:14 am

    Was the postcard just delivered? I thought the U.S. Postal Service was the only delivery service that slow? ;^)

  3. Peter: I can't believe that the time has passed so quickly! I'm looking forward to seeing what you write.

    Bill: France is riddled with strikes at the moment, that's why it took so long ;) Have you seen my postcard blog?


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