Saturday, May 10, 2008


I think that the mystery birds might have moved out. They weren’t happy when the shutters were opened and closed so they’ve gone.

I’ve been feeding birds around the front by the kitchen window. The blackbird arrives first at about 6.30 in the morning. He perches on the wall, looks down, looks at me, then looks down again “Where’s the food?”. A bluetit fluttered up the other morning and landed on the windowsill for a couple of seconds as if to say “thanks”. The only problem is that the magpie gang are muscling in and the sparrows end up with nothing if they don’t arrive early enough.

There aren't many butterflies again. Have you noticed a decline in the butterfly population where you live?

I haven't heard a cuckoo so far this year


  1. Darn, I was getting involved with those mystery birds, and now we may never know...

    I've seen a fair number of different types of butterflies around Bristol lately. And we had a red kite over the Downs a fortnight back. This was a bit exciting... mostly I see pigeons. If I open the skylight to cool the flat down, they fly in looking for somewhere to nest. Blighters.

  2. We get some interesting birds round our way in the Midlands, and next to a city park but I don't know what they are called. Just think we are so lucky to have these beautiful creatures in this world.

    Your birds and the feeding thereof sounds lovely :-)

    PS I've been really busy ... off to find a certain bit of writing a la page 123!

  3. Dru: I don't think we're as aware of the delicate balace of nature here. butterflies are definately on the decline. I'll keep a lookout for 'my birds'.

    Doris: I wonder where you are in the Mdlands. I grew up in the Vale of Evesham. My Uncle was a milkman in Birmingham in the 70s and saw more foxes on his rounds than we ever did out in the sticks.


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