Sunday, April 20, 2008

Random game

I haven’t played many games like this. For once I've been sent one by Bomarzo with clear instructions….

Random things about me

1. I was once laughed at because I suggested wasting paper was wasting trees!

2. I’m very hard to make friends with in ‘real’ life

3. I was once in the ladies room at a hotel at the same time as Stevie Nicks or Christine McVie, I’m not sure which - and I couldn’t think of anything to say

4. I consider that I’ve had a lot of ‘lucky escapes’ in my life

5. My personal diary was used as evidence in a court case many years ago

6. Although I’ve lived in France for 23 years, I can’t write in French (I have read quite a few books and novels in French)

Rules of the game …

· Link to the person who tagged you.
· Post the rules on your blog.
· Write six random things about yourself.
· Tag six random people by linking to their blogs.
· Let each of the six know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment (on their blogs).
· Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

The victims …

  1. Doris Mash
  2. The Introverted Exhibitionist
  3. Because I can
  4. Bo He Mi An RhApSoDy
  5. Neutron News
  6. A Fifth of Therapy


  1. I'd be delighted but I might not get back to the blogs for a couple of days. Meanwhile ...... wow to #5

    And thank goodness for the internet in regards to #2 ... Mr Doris is a bit like that but as we courted via email it did the business.

    And LOL to #3 - I wouldn't have known either nor their names so it wouldn't have been anything more than the usual polite silence or cheery smile (but not in a stalkerish kind of way!!!)

    And #4 - would love to hear some of those adventures some time :-)

    (I'll let you know when I've done the meme)

  2. Doris: thank you for being suitibly impressed! I look forward to seeing yours...

  3. I am impressed!

    I have done the deed as can be evidenced on my blog :-)

  4. Doris: I'm on my way!

  5. Anonymous8:47 am

    Anji! I've never been tagged before. I'm sad to say I don't even know five other bloggers though. I did mine and then tagged those that I knew...thanks for including me. Twas fun!


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties