Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Life is a bunch of numbers

The alarm woke me this morning just as I was discovering in my dream that I only had 14 emails in my inbox. I knew the figure is really closer to 41 so I was cross with Rob for getting rid of them (in reality he never touches my in box) Later I checked my dream book which I didn’t find very helpful as far as dreams of numbers are concerned; I was left with the parting statement “ Numbers are the link between man and science”. “ Now just what is that supposed to mean?” I asked myself as I’d just woken up. After I had made my cup of tea my brain booted in and I thought of what it meant; all of those formulae that we use to calculate this and that = numbers. All this really was too much first think* in the morning so I went back to sleep for a while…..

*That was an error but it fits in better than 'thing'.

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