Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My new blog

When my little blog died because Blog Charm closed down, I decided to set up a new blog here. The old blog was about books I’d read, what I’d heard on the radio and things I’d learnt. The new one is going to be the same except that I’ve written another short story and put it over there. If you liked the one I wrote for Christmas, take a look at the new one and let me know what you think…


  1. I went to your new blog. Un autre blog à suivre. :-)

  2. Peter: I really appreciate your support!

  3. LOL Aren't you supposed to helpfully put a link to your other blog?!!! I am off to find the link ;-)

  4. Doh Doh Doh! And there is the link!!! Soz about that .... too much sozzle in me as it is my first glass of red in several weeks. Hic!

  5. Third message in such a short space! Great short story ("great" as such!!!).

  6. doris: Thank you for taking the time to read it. I don't think i'll ever win any awards for my stories but I do enjoy writing them. I seem to have got the hang of having a beginning, middle and end at long last.


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