Saturday, November 10, 2007

Bad news week

Recently we cancelled the local paper as ‘nothing ever happens around here’ and we didn’t have time to read it anyway. Last week there was a house fire in the village and a lady living on her own has been made homeless. She’s been helped by our friends at the campsite who have installed her in one of their cabins. We walk a lot but the burned down house doesn’t appear to be in the parts of the village where we go. Olivier doesn’t know where it is either.

The second piece of news was very sad. For around twenty years a homeless lady, Marie-Ange, has been more or less camped outside the smallest department store in la Rochelle. The story goes that she used to work at the store and her boyfriend /husband would meet her everyday after work. One day he stopped coming and she started to drink and I presume lost her job and spent her time waiting for him. This week she wasn’t asleep outside the store she was dead.

La Rochelle is a town where there are a lot of big houses and wealthy people and it’s considered very chic to live here. There is another side to life…


  1. Anonymous2:41 pm

    The lady whose house burned down was lucky to have friends who could and would help her. I hope things work out for her.

    And the homeless lady story really is a sad one.


  2. How sad. I hope the gal that lost her house can get back on her feet soon. Thanks to your friends, she has a good start.
    The lady that died. I am so sorry for her. There is help for alcoholics...only they need to want it. She got depressed with her broken heart then the alcohol took over and ultimately killed her. Too bad she couldn't reach out for help for herself. Alcohol is just a symptom of the disease. Depression is a killer.

  3. Anonymous5:50 pm

    Don't get me going on homelessness. I have seen people sleeping in shop doorways in Leicester because they are out of work and out of benefits or don't get sufficient benefits to rent a room and eat. The asylum seekers come in to this country get a house rent and rates free, money and medical care.
    It makes me mad!

    Anyway, received the postcards today and have sent a you a reply. Thanks.

  4. there's always another side to life - one that a lot of people don't hear about. how tragic :(


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