Thursday, October 11, 2007

And there I was - gone

I had my three monthly appointment at the Doctor’s yesterday evening. I had mentioned it to both Rob and Olivier, though I didn’t know the time of my appointment until later in the morning. While I was in the waiting room reading a 6 year old copy of Madame Figaro my phone started to ring, as usual it had stopped by the time I found my phone in the bottom of my bag. I quickly sent Rob a text to tell him where I was and turned off the phone.

My appointment went well, by the way, and the Doctor is continuing to heap praises on me for keeping my blood sugar under control without the help of insulin etc.

When I arrived home I discovered that I’d really been missed. I don’t think they quite got as far as reporting me to the police as a missing person, but they were worried. It’s quite boosted my ego to know that I’m loved.

(I think that there was something about them needing feeding but I’ve left that out so the story sounds better)


  1. Now, Anji, you knew that already!!

  2. John: it's nice to have the proof from time to time.


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