Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Now, where was I?

I’m not sure where the time has gone this week but wherever it went, it went quickly. I’ve been very busy with the postcards as usual. Rob and I have been trying to get out for more and longer walks. Though it’s cold, the weather has been really sunny. I didn’t think the autumn colours would be so special this year but on the way back from La Rochelle this morning, there really was every shade of brown, red, orange and yellow imaginable.

It’s holiday time again here, so I have Olivier home and Dom is staying for a few days. Dom is still enjoying life in Poitiers and I got to wash her ‘psycho’ t-shirt. (goes with the association for psychiatric students).

This morning was my annual visit to the Swedish Chef. He was an hour behind with his appointments and really apologetic. Everything is well in that department and he sent off the usual tests to Bordeaux. He also told me that my breasts are the type which are at low risk for cancer. You see, there are advantages to having small ones!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Personalised Number Plates

Number plates have been required on cars by law in the UK since 1903. At first only a single letter was used. The system has been adjusted several times since in order to provide enough letter and number combinations for all of the vehicles now in use. Lots of families in the UK have enjoyed long journeys finding words from the number plates on passing cars. Many people like to own Personalised Number Plates for their cars with words or combinations which mean something special to them.

Northumbria Numbers was established in 1995 and can help you to find the number plate for you. They will even carry out all of the paper work required for the transfer. The website also contains lots of fascinating information such as the ins and outs of transferring number plates, the law, and the history of Number Plates.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007


This is what our newspaper called Nicolas Sarkozy the other day. I remember asking myself 'just what does the French president do' in the past because we only saw M. Chirac on special occasions. M. Sarkozy seems to be getting involved in anything and everything. It must really annoy his staff. I used to know the names of the French prime ministers, but this time I don’t, because the president is very high profile.

Just in case he does happen on my blog (he is a blogger and perhaps he is a member of Blogmad or Blogexplosion and he's the same age as me), my husband works for a government department. Recently if his salary slip runs to two pages he receives them in two envelopes. Think of the money and paper which could be saved…..

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Oh No!

Someone visited looking for 'what happens to spiders when they are hoovered?' I do hoover them up but I haven't gone as far as emptying the dust bag to see their fate. - Sorry.

Bits and pieces

A couple of things to write about this evening:

If you’ve ever fancied the idea of holidaying in Greece pop along and read Neutron’s day to day exploits as he revisits Greece.

A film made by Dove and some interesting information on how little girls are brainwashed into thinking that they must become perfect. If you watch until the end you’ll see an interesting make over. Visitors from the US might have seen this already. They seem to talk as if all this is something new, but 30 years ago I admit that I lived on 500 carefully counted calories a day until I got down to my ‘ideal’ weight.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My name

Some one sent me a payment for a postcard and this is the handwriting they used for the envelope. In purple ink too!

Wish I could write like that....

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sleep well

Last week Zoe wrote about how her bed had collapsed. I was pleased to read that it happens to other people too. When it happened to us, Rob and I bought ourselves a king bed. I recommend to Zoe to do the same. Smaller beds just don’t make the grade if you’ve slept in King Beds. I’ve recently discovered that there are Queen Beds too and that the most traditional style is known as a Sleigh Bed. Perhaps a sleighbed is the type of bed to treat yourself to with Christmas coming up!

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Every blogroll tells a story

I was going to write this post a few days ago, before the latest round of bad news. My blogroll is squashed down at the bottom now, but everyone is still there. Most of you are well and carrying on as normal, there have been some changes.

In August around the 2nd or 3rd Isaac Stolzfut disappeared. He could have gone for a walk, every thing was left as it he’d just popped out. His grandson Adam has been keeping us up to date, but Isaac hasn’t been seen since.

Patch seems to have disappeared too, though I suspect he’s getting on with the rest of his life like he should. I did try writing an email too him a while back but his email box was full.

Zoe is dealing with being a famous writer and celebrity and now the parents of up and coming bloggers will be using her as an example of what you can achieve if you post regularly to your blog.

Leslie needs all the encouragement she can get for the next chapter of her life

Thursday, October 11, 2007

And there I was - gone

I had my three monthly appointment at the Doctor’s yesterday evening. I had mentioned it to both Rob and Olivier, though I didn’t know the time of my appointment until later in the morning. While I was in the waiting room reading a 6 year old copy of Madame Figaro my phone started to ring, as usual it had stopped by the time I found my phone in the bottom of my bag. I quickly sent Rob a text to tell him where I was and turned off the phone.

My appointment went well, by the way, and the Doctor is continuing to heap praises on me for keeping my blood sugar under control without the help of insulin etc.

When I arrived home I discovered that I’d really been missed. I don’t think they quite got as far as reporting me to the police as a missing person, but they were worried. It’s quite boosted my ego to know that I’m loved.

(I think that there was something about them needing feeding but I’ve left that out so the story sounds better)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Not easy being a man

Olivier really made me laugh out loud yesterday evening. He was trying on a pair of Rob’s shoes and needed the shoe-horn. Our shoe-horn was brought back from Norway when Rob visited his relatives there when he was a boy. It’s quite long and at the top is a moose’s head complete with antlers. Olivier was having quite a struggle when he announced,: “You have to watch your b***s when you use this thing”.

I’ve never had any problems with it….

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Some useful advice if ever I saw any:

‘In October dung your field
And your land it’s wealth shall yield.’

From The country Diary of an Edwardian Lady

Monday, October 01, 2007


Don’t forget that if you are visiting and you are from the UK, you can now order Zoe’s book. She’s very famous you know. Just scroll down to my Amazon Ad.