Thursday, August 30, 2007

Not off to the circus

When we went shopping on Monday, Dom and I spent enough money to get free tickets to the circus which is camped at the side of the car park. The cashier was really pleased to announce this happy event to us, we just smiled politely. I’ve never liked circuses, I feel that it’s humiliating for the animals and any I’ve seen close up look miserable and unhealthy (when the circus comes to l’Houmeau the animals are tethered in the park).

Dom has been studying punishment and reward as part of her course and circus animals came into it. So she told me about some of the nasty tricks they use. Yesterday I came across this site. I feel I should pass it on to as many people as possible. The video is in English with French subtitles so please don’t be put off by the French site.

It is quite shocking.


  1. I couldn't agree more Franji Panji

  2. Couldn't watch all of that!

  3. that's one of the many reasons why i won't let my kids ever go to a circus - even with their school.

    thanks for the video, anji.

  4. Spooky: I'm glad to hear it!

    John: If you look around on that site, there is a link of what happened when an elephant rebelled, not for the faint hearted.

    Zoe: Mine haven't been to a circus either. (as far as I know...)


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties