Thursday, June 14, 2007

Russian Soup

This is what I tried for lunch today – Russian soup. I managed to translate how long to cook it for, but Dom helped me with the rest. Like most dehydrated soups it was very salty. I wouldn’t buy it again, even if I could.


  1. my written french is so appalling that my daughters write the notes that i want to send to their respective schools for me!

  2. I was on my own this afternnon, I was slobbing out so I had cereal and yoghurt pour dejeuner.

  3. Zoe: I have the same problem with French too. They write the notes and I copy them out. I'm reading my third book in a row in French. I just can't get the writing bit.

    Spooky: I could happily eat cereal for every meal, every day.

  4. Anonymous1:52 pm

    too bad the soup's no good, nothing like a little "Sin" for lunch..might be a good ad campaign

  5. tom: thanks for your comment. I hadn't thought of it like that. I think I've got another packet in the cupboard.....


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