Sunday, April 22, 2007

was done at 8 o’clock this morning, we were second. We were about so early because we had to take Dom to the station; she’s registered to vote in Poitiers. We set off at around quarter to seven and Dom and Rob had a noisy row because he asked her if she’d got everything before we set off, which she hates. I was trying to quieten them down, I hope we didn’t wake the neighbours. It was a beautiful morning for a drive with pockets of mist across the fields. Rob is working today and Dom will arrive in time to come home with him. I’ve had such a peaceful morning – Olivier is in the black hole down the corridor which occasionally sucks him in a spits him out, usually for feeding.

I’ve got postcards to scan and prepare for eBay and articles to write so I shall spend most of the day on the computer. While we were in the newsagents I saw Dominique who owns the campsite and asked him about my idea of selling some postcards to tourists in their office. He thought it was interesting, so I must sort out a pile of local cards for them to look at. It’s all go. Hope everyone is having a sunny Sunday like ours!


  1. Anonymous11:36 am

    The Sunday here in GB land is misty sunshine and a bit chilly. Not a day for lounging around in le jardin.

    I'm interested in old postcards of Leicestershire or Hampshire (home). Have you got a webpage for your postcard business?

  2. Anonymous11:40 am

    It worked! I can only post one comment a day unless I use anon.


  3. Keith and Anon: Pleased to see you got through in the end. We've just sold some nethershield/nevershield? cards. My postcard blog is

    links to the post cards for sale are in the blogroll under Antique Postcards

  4. Anonymous7:17 pm

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I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties