Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The earlybird catches the worm has to wake everyone up
I love to get up in the morning. I’m quite happy to enjoy the peace and quiet before most people have started the day. I have a cup of tea, shower and breakfast after which I’m ready for everything that the day can dish out. Unfortunately no one else living with me at the moment seems to share this idea. I call Olivier every five minutes for nearly half an hour before he shifts himself. If he misses the bus, Yours Truly drives him to school because she is up. Rob comes later with several pleas of ‘just 5 minutes more’.

We live in a bungalow, so if I was paid for every trip down the corridor I make every morning I could retire. I have thought of buckets of cold water, but guess who would have to clear up afterwards?


  1. May I suggest a little experiment for you? What if you went for a looooong walk after you morning rituals? Make sure you don't come back home until at least 30 minutes after school has started. I wonder what would happen...?

  2. Risa: Chaos I expect.

  3. Anonymous7:50 pm

    A few well placed ice cubes don't make nearly as much mess as a bucket of cold water. My mother used to come in and turn on the light and then pull the sheets and blankets off the end of the bed. She was a little brutal in her wakings.

  4. I'm afraid I'm the one still in bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Karen: I like that idea....My MIL used to use a floor mop!

    Pam: I hope you don't expect me to come all the way to Australia every morning to call you at 5 minute intervals!!

  6. I've always been a 'night' person, so all of my life until the last few years, I've struggled with the early morning hours. First my own school years, then my working years, later getting my son up and ready for school for 12 years, then work again. Now, I'm finally enjoying sleeping in and working into the late, late night hours when all the world is quiet ( well, at least in the hemisphere where I live). I love the quiet of the night. No phones ringing, no demands being made of me. Ahhh.... it's all good!

  7. Judith: Thank you for visiting my blog. Isn't it sad that we can't all adapt our days to when we function best? Teenagers in France are expected to start school at 8 in the morning when everyone knows they don't naturally wake until midday!!


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