Tuesday, April 03, 2007

“An April flood carries away the frog and his brood.”

Another quote from ‘The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady’. It’s difficult to believe that we are in April already. Suddenly, yesterday afternoon the sun felt warm – yes we had sunshine! In the evening Rob and I walked down to the beach and the moon was rising, it was big, golden and misty. The marsh sounded even more noisy that during the day time with different birds calling and the frogs croaking.

The 1st April marked the official start of my vintage postcard business.


  1. Anonymous6:47 am

    I have nothing to say...just wanted to say hi to you and let you know I was here. I hope you are enjoying your spring, we are about 3 weeks early with the spring bloom. Everyone is having allergies, even me for the first time in 10 years. We are supposed to be 70's tomorrow

  2. Karen: Thanks for keeping in touch, we hope to have spring weather over the holiday weekend, but it's still so cold in the mornings.


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