Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Our local newspaper
reported yesterday that cafés in Charente Maritime will not be able to open earlier than 6.30 in the morning. Previously opening time was 6 am. The reason behind this is to cut down alcoholism. I did wonder how many people were pouring into bars at 6 o’clock in the morning for their first drink of the day? On closer inspection I discovered that the problem lies with night clubs closing at 5 o’clock in the morning. Night clubbers were hanging on an hour for the final drink before driving home (!).

A lot of people in town here start early in the day, fishermen and market workers who meet up for their first coffee before work. Most café owners weren’t serving alcohol until 9 anyway. Why can’t the night clubs close half an hour earlier?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Proud Mum announcement
Dom is home for a week’s holiday. She came in the top 10 in her exams. There are 800 in her group. She was worried about her results as she had a bad cold when she sat her exams. If she does that well when she’s ill, what will her results be when she’s well?
At the moment she’s in her room…studying.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pancake progress
Since I wrote about making pancakes a few weeks ago I’m pleased to report some progress in the shape. They are more or less round and I think that I owe my success to making them one at a time. I also managed to acquire some real absolutely pure Canadian maple syrup ( Maple Joe) to go with them. All I need now is for the rest of the family to learn to make pancakes for themselves

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy Birthday

This sweet little boy is 16 today. Happy Birthday Olivier!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dream time
I had the most amazing dream a couple of nights ago. I was in London and had a telescope to look through. Although the telescope didn’t make things look bigger they were definitely clearer. I could see the details on a tiled floor and the mud on a football some children were playing with. I looked up the telescope in my dream book; “….suggests that we are taking a closer look at something” (I think I might write a book about dreams too ) A telescope can symbolise clairvoyance, so be careful what you’re thinking when you visit this post..

Dreaming of mud suggests we are bogged down, lol. Sorry but I find my book really funny at times.
Spring is on it's way
This morning I heard birdsong at 5.30 even though it was still dark a couple of hours later. We’ve got some blosson around the village this week and in one garden the daffodils have been going strong for a little while. I see that I shall have to start gardening in earnest soon before things get out of control. Spring is really in the air, sometimes in the afternoon, it’s even warmer to be outside than in.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The examiners get examined
This week was another week of exams. Things have changed. We don’t like change too much. I arrived on Monday at 9.20 and went to the office to say hello as usual and was asked to wait until 9.30. At 9.30 we all went in together to collect our exam papers but instead had a pep talk. The head of department is on maternity leave and there is a new head and she wants things done her way. We were all a bit stressed by this meeting as we need to prepare the rooms, check I.D.s etc. To make matters worst the first exam was accounting which meant accounting plans had to be checked too. It was the first ever exam for our group of students so they didn’t know what to do which meant that we started 10 minutes late. One Tuesday, we all waited till the exact time and went together to collect our exams. I was working on my own, which I prefer. The new boss popped her head round the door during the morning. I didn’t think anything of it, but some of the others have decided that they are being spied on. Needless to say they are the ones who aren’t always as rigorous as the should be. Today wasn’t so bad as I was with a colleague who thinks exactly like me and we work together really well.

It will be interesting to sere how many of the old gang will be left when the end of year exams come round.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Diary time
Looking at Pam’s entries on her Grandmother’s diary (and a quiz), I had to pull out one of my old diaries. As it was Christian’s 20th birthday last week, I thought I’d have a look and see what I did on my 20th birthday, way back in, er, 1975.

It was a Friday and I had lots of presents including a book on natural magic and a Mary Quant face pack from my friend’s at work! As usual, before the weekend, worked pretty late at the bank. Went out for a drink in the evening and spent a few hours chatting to a new boyfriend who was to be around for four years. Those were the days!
I’ve taken Cancergiggles from my blogroll. Cass died in January. I imagine he must have been a great inspiration to a lot of people suffering from cancer and their families. One of the beauties of the blogging community is that it’s always possible to find someone who is going through what you are.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

You wouldn't believe how small the world can be...
I managed to survive my course, but it was hard work and we had HOMEWORK to do. The idea is that people don’t set themselves up in business only to go bust. We were told that in the US it’s considered okay to fail three times in order to build a successful business. Other than that I think we’ve had just about all the weather you can get with the exception of heat wave and snow. The strike season has started again so I’ve got Olivier and his friend eating burgers and watching some kind of film or something in his room. I can’t have my music up loud because I mustn’t embarrass my son in front of his friends.

Talking of music, I won the bid on Neutron's CD mentioned on January 26th. This morning it arrived so I’ve been enjoying that all morning. He sings some pretty romantic stuff and has a lovely voice.

I also had an email from my cousin on the Isle of Wight, he’s a musician too. He was teaching somewhere and was approached by the daughter of a couple of my friends I’d nearly lost contact with. I used to baby sit for them but this daughter was born after I left for France. We’re back in contact now which is good news. Paul, my cousin, also gave me some more info on our family tree. He’s a great letter writer so is exactly the person to contact people and has found out more about very distant living cousins.

The ‘isn’t it a small world’ syndrome continued yesterday when I was giving a lesson to a pupil I’ve been teaching for nearly 6 months. A few years ago I used to have ‘conversation’ with a girl called Lise who lived near. She’d lived in the states and her mother didn’t want her to lose her English. The family moved after about three years and I’d often wondered how they all were. On a hunch, because we were talking about school and best friends, I asked my Wednesday lesson if she knew Lise. Did she know Lise? They were best friends and still in touch.

I wonder who’ll turn up next?

Birthday Boy

This young man, boldly stepping out, was twenty years old yesterday.

I remember the day that this photo was taken well. We were in England visiting our families and went into Ross-On-Wye for the day. We were playing by the river. Christian was always such a friendly baby and had a smile for everyone. He’d just seen a sweet little girl around his age and had run up to her to say hello. She welcomed him with a slap across the face (much to the embarrassment of her granny). From the expression on his face I’d say he was contemplating that great mystery known as womankind.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Question of the week
What would you say to someone who leaves the car engine running while he is putting bottles etc. the recycling bins?