Thursday, January 18, 2007

This morning
I walked to the post office with one of my neighbours who was off to her gym session. As we were going through the woods we saw a squirrel, he was certainly enjoying himself dancing around in the wind when he should be in bed. Going past the co-op the shop window was completely smashed in and there were glass and gendarmes everywhere. The lady at the post office said there had been a break in. The co-op is a bit of a joke in our village because no one ever goes in there except for when they run out. Usually you’ll find one 4 pack of yoghurts on the dessert shelf and two choices of cereal if you’re lucky. The only thing they have worth taking is a reasonable stock of alcohol.

Recently Rob has asked me to sort unsellable postcards into groups. I’m really pleased with myself, they are selling quite well. My week long course for setting up a business is at the end of the month. I’ve got to count the post cards we’ve got so I have some idea of how much stock I’ve got. I reckon between 5000 and 10,000. No, I shan’t count them 1 by 1, I’ll count up a hundred and measure them and do it that way.


  1. Anonymous1:58 am

    Best of luck with your postcards.


  2. cas; Thanks, I can't wait to go on the course so I can get started.

  3. maybe they are stealing empty shelves?

  4. Mary Lou; I think you have a point there!


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