Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hedgehog problem

A little while ago Nearly three years ago, I remember writing about there being no hedgehogs in the US unless they were pets. There was a report on the news yesterday about hedgehogs in Canada waking up from their hibernation because it is so warm.

Can anyone tell me if they turn back at the border?


  1. Anonymous2:49 am

    At my part of the border they would have to be able to swim, West of where I live they are obviously too intelligent to cross!!

  2. Anonymous7:40 am

    Atroobritt's comment made me laugh. Have you tried to find out more as to why there are no hedgehogs in the States? We don't get hedgehogs here - I would keep a bunch of them then.

  3. atroobrit; I wonder if they can swim?

    Michelle; No, I've just accepted what people told me. It's strange for me to think of them as pets, but they are rather cute.

  4. Anonymous11:55 pm

    Next time I am over in Canada I will try one in a bucket of water!

  5. atroobrit: Noooo, Please don't!


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