Sunday, October 22, 2006

A trivial post
Halloween is coming up really quickly. Today I came upon this trivia site which gives lots and lots of snippets of information on Halloween subjects such as Jack O’Lantern, cats and monsters. Did you know that the ancient Greeks associated monsters with women? For example gorgons, the harpies and Medusa! There are lots of other monster ‘facts’ from all over the world. Could prompt some original costume ideas.

When you were at school did you learn about the history of macaroni cheese? Now’s your chance. Do you know who Madame Popover was and what she did? There is everything you need to know about cough cures. You can hunt out trivia to impress your friends and amuse yourself by category. I can see my self spending a lot of time reading through this site.


  1. Anonymous6:12 pm

    Anything "old-timey" is right up my alley, like cures and remedies. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong century.

  2. Anonymous10:34 am

    I too love old timey things. Like my soul-sister said...I think I was born in the wrong century. I would love to work with herbal remedies and such.

  3. Leslie; I feel 14th century, which century would you like to live in?

    Mary lou; Do you use herbal remedies much, did you try the sage tea on your sore throat?

  4. Anonymous2:08 pm

    I post a Macaroni and Cheese recipe for my blogaversary each year. It was my first post. Next year, there will be a history of the dish in my post.

    Thanks for the link to the very interesting site.

  5. Cas; glad to be of service.


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