Touch Wood
I haven't seen a naughty lady with no clothes on today - yet. Dom twiddled around and things appear to have settled down. My site loads properly if I use internet explorer and one or two sites seem to have re-appeard. I haven't checked Haloscan yet. I've got to check my blogroll as a few were missing there too, I have their email addresses so hopefully I can keep in touch that way.
I think I can say that yesterday Dom earnt her teapot.
We've been having rain. Lots of floods throughout France. Rob was busy at work too (for a change).
ReplyDeleteI think, you're PC is infested by spyware. You do donwload "spybot" and "adaware" and have a good "antivirus" (Kaspersky for exemple).
Other solution : use Mozilla firefox. it's better security as internet explorer.
Scuse my english, it's alway bad.
Have a good day
I just read your first comment, and I use Spybot and adaware. So far, no naked ladies.
ReplyDeleteI hope your problem goes away. It's so frustrating to have computer troubles.
It sounds like your shopping trip was lots of fun.
ouaf ouaf: Nice to see you again! Thanks, your English is very good. we have lots of protection, I think the problem was my fault when I loweded the cookie thing.
ReplyDeleteCas; Fingers crossed they've all gone home.