Monday, August 21, 2006

Do you remember the trip Rob and I made to Saintes in April when it was really cold? I wrote about it on the 6th. At the time I couldn’t find any photos online that I thought did the town justice. However, our local paper recently ran an article about a young man from the US who is lucky enough to spend his summers in Saintes. For a school project he created a website about the town. As with local papers there was a mistake in the site’s address but I managed to track him down (I do have 30 episodes of Columbo under my belt) and he sent me the address so here it is.


  1. Anonymous7:37 pm

    oeeer! i want to go. it's very pretty. picturesque.

  2. Anonymous8:57 am

    You have succeeded in increasing the wanderlust bug which began invading my feet and mind a while ago. Pity I won't be able to get to Europe next year - the Yoo Knighted States and Canada is on my itinerary.

    Love you, Rob and the kids.

  3. Anonymous9:00 am

    LOL - Talk about typing errors in my comment.

    I meant to say love and hugs to you, Rob and the kids. Would hate people thinking we were batting for the other side. hahahaha

  4. Kimberley; and there is lots more and some beautiful shops too.

    Michelle; so now I know what he's up to till three in the morning ;)

    I'd love to visit Canada and then the US to see all my blogging friends then onto South Africa.

  5. Anonymous2:31 pm

    What a beautiful place. Thanks for the e-visit.

  6. Cas; hope you can come for a real visit one day!

  7. Anonymous10:49 pm

    Lokks great, and I didn't need my reading glasses to see the text!

    Yes, it's me! I'm still lurking around.

  8. Thanks for stopping by Kieth. I nearly disappeared for ever this week so you only just got here in time!

  9. Anonymous9:56 am

    My weblog has gone. I was only getting about one hit a day and no comments, so I thought it's not worth bothering with. But I still read and comment on about 40 blogs daily.

  10. Keith:I must admit that now I work more on the computer I have less time for visiting. when dom and Oliver go back to school I shall have more 'fun' time.


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