Saturday, May 20, 2006

This week
(I'm really embarrassed that I left my birthday post up at the top so long)

I've been doing a lot of supervising this week so I've been away from the computer and neglected the housework, clothes have been ironed as they are needed. MIL is arriving on Thursday for a week so I have some preparation for that. I'm tired!

The car was removed from the marsh a week after it had arrived. Nothing in the local paper about it, so we presume no-one was injured.

We had some really hot days, but now it's much cooler, very wet and windy. I was sulking because I haven't had a single rose in flower yet and everyone else has. This morning a lot of plants and flowers have been damaged by the harsh weather so perhaps my roses knew something the others didn't.

Rob has sold two of his book stock on eBay. Only 148 to go...

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