Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Flops down in a chair and sighs
MIL will be arriving tomorrow, she’s going to stay for a week. I’m exhausted. I’ve been cleaning, my least favourite job. The house does look better for it though. I’m hoping that the weather will be good so that we can eat outside everyday. Rob’s postcards have taken over a lot of the living room, including the table, so now we eat in the kitchen all the time. I have the impression I’m going to be in the kitchen a lot over the next week.

Next Wednesday evening we’re off to a party! The Bigodène, one of our favourite restaurants, is changing hands and we’ve been invited to the farewell evening. Rob often sends tourists there if they ask him for a good place to eat. Fortunately, the new owners aren’t planning to change anything for the time being and they seem very nice. MIL will be able to come along too.

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