Thursday, April 20, 2006

Time marches on
I can’t believe that yet another week has gone by so quickly. Here it’s the Easter holidays until May 2nd, so everyone is at home. We had a quiet Easter, Rob worked Easter Sunday, lots of tourists as Easter marks the start of the season here. I spent quite a bit of time sorting postcards into alphabetical order for Rob, it was an interesting job. The fronts are interesting, but it’s what was written on the back which fascinates me. We occasionally get cards written by troops during the first world war, sometimes they had a moment to appreciate their surroundings, but I think they would have preferred to be home with their loved ones. There was another card written by a little girl who was ill in bed, she was explaining the ins and outs of being an invalid which includes only being able to write in pencil so she didn’t stain the sheets with ink!

The weather is starting to warm up a little. I did some gardening yesterday, mainly cutting back and weeding, no toads this time. I heard my first cuckoo of the year a couple of days ago. We’ve been walking down the beach in the evenings, which is pleasant, but some of the bats fly a little to close for comfort.

I contacted my student who had her first interview with the U.N. by phone. It went well though her English is not fluent. She now has to wait to see if she has a second interview, more about her work.

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