Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A very good day indeed
The day got off to a good start because I received some fan mail. Someone had found Anji Patchwork and had written to tell me how much they’d enjoyed it and there was a poem too!

Then there was the ordinary bit of the day followed by a phone call from Christian. He’s got himself a new job, more money and closer to (his) home, he will be dealing with finance rather than mortgages, which is what he wants. He will be going down to London for a month for training. It brought back lots of good memories of the bank training courses I went to in Teddington. I hope he enjoys himself as much as I did.

Dominique got the results of her mock philosophy exam. She got a very good mark for the exam and was the best in her class. She phoned yesterday lunch time in a panic because her super dooper scientific calculator’s batteries were dead and she has her mock physics exam today. It all got sorted, thank goodness it didn’t conk out on her today.

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