Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Yet another one whizzes by
I don’t know where the time goes, but it certainly goes. The only advantage is that it’s slightly lighter in the evenings now, the mornings seem to stay as dark as ever. We’ve been having very cold weather again and fog. Funnily enough, even as we live near the sea, I’m sure I saw more fog when I lived in the middle of England!

Olivier set his alarm and caught the last half of the super bowl. He was in a reasonable mood Monday morning so he must have enjoyed it; Dom is sitting a mock philosophy exam this morning. 4 hours long. She’s arranged to see a film with her friends this afternoon, hope they can sit still. She received a new date for her military service and they’ve finally realized that she is a she. It does make you wonder how they would cope with a real war if they take so long sorting out the sex of someone. Yesterday was Christian’s 19th birthday. I didn’t have time to post yesterday so belated Happy Birthday to Christian. I’ve just looked in my diary for 197* to see what I did on my 19th birthday, not a lot, but the girls at work bought me ‘Teaser and the firecat’.

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